Base-of-the-Spine Chakra

The four-petaled base chakra is the center of the sacred fire of purity in everyone.

Through the gift of this life-force you can become co-creators with the Trinity. You purify your soul and chakras for reunion with the Eternal Light.

In other words, you balance and align your chakras using violet flame mantras and decrees so you can win your ascension.

Our entire physical universe is a manifestation of Mother. This is because the physical is Spirit focalized in matter, or Mater – the mother.

The key for mastery of the base chakra is to wed your physical life with your spiritual life.

The full mastery of the physical plane, of time and space is not attained until you gain the mastery of the flow of physical energies in the base-of-the-spine and the crown chakras.

You are a Great Spiritual Being having a human experience!

Gemstones for the Base of the Spine Chakra:

  • Zircon
Quartz Crystal
White Jade
Semi-precious stones including:
  • Mother-of-Pearl
  • White Onyx

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