Keep Your Harmony to Increase Light in Your Chakras
As you keep harmony in thought, word and action, you can sustain the light in your chakras and your body. As you give love in thought, word and action you also sustain light in your chakras and your body.
This takes discipline: Do not react physically or emotionally to anyone or anything that could cause you to lose your spiritual balance.
Give the fiat:
“In the name of Saint Germain, I shall not be moved!”
as many times as you need to to seal your solar plexus chakra, the chakra of emotions.
The key to increasing the light of God in you is to keep harmony.
Adapted from Pearls of Wisdom, Vol. 39, No. 24.
(Sanskrit for “wheel,” “disc,” “circle.”) Term used to denote the centers of light anchored in the etheric body and governing the flow of energy to the four lower bodies of man.
There are seven major chakras corresponding to the seven rays,
five minor chakras corresponding to the five secret rays, and
a total of 144 light centers in the body of man.
The seven major chakras, their rays, Sanskrit names, and colors are as follows:
First Ray, throat, Vishuddha, blue;
Second Ray, crown, Sahasrara, yellow;
Third Ray, heart, Anahata, pink;
Fourth Ray, base-of-the-spine, Muladhara, white;
Fifth Ray, third eye, Ajna, green;
Sixth Ray, solar plexus, Manipura, purple and gold;
Seventh Ray, seat-of-the-soul, Svadhishthana, violet.
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