Opening your heart chakra is the most important chakra to increase your mastery. It is the sun of Christ, your Holy Christ Self. You begin with the heart as the seat of your Christ consciousness. The heart chakra is the central sun of your being.

Purify Your Heart Chakra

The heart must be purified and endued with the love of your Christ consciousness. Unless you have the balanced threefold flame and your adoration of God within that flame, you will not be able to intensify and cleanse your other chakras.

Eliminate Your Worst Habit

Think upon your life and determine what is your worst habit and eliminate it!  Eliminate it entirely. As you eliminate negative momentums, you may build momentums at higher levels of your Causal Body. Each negative facet and manifestation of self that you conquer and that you seal and that you cast into the sacred fire allows you to bring forth its opposite—the positive counterpart and its positive momentum—out of your Causal Body.
Adapted from Maha Chohan. Pearls of Wisdom, Vol. 37 No. 33.

How to Develop Your Heart Chakra with
Elizabeth Clare Prophet

Here is a spoken prayer: Say it out loud while meditating in your heart as you implore Love to go forth and bless everyone.

O Love of God, immortal Love,
Enfold all in thy ray;
Send compassion from above
To raise them all today!
In the fullness of thy power,
Shed thy glorious beams
Upon the earth and all thereon
Where life in shadow seems!
Let the Light of God blaze forth
To cut men free from pain;
Raise them up and clothe them, God,
With thy mighty I AM name!!

Here are the same words as song: “The Balm of Gilead.”

Heart Chakra Gems help you increase the energy of love.

  • Pink Ruby
  • Pink quartz
  • Diamond
  • Pink tourmaline
  • Pink sapphire.

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