By bringing violet flame into your life, you clean up debris in and around your chakras. You increase chakra balancing and accelerate the flow of light through your chakras. When you really understand all the benefits the violet flame could do for you, you will...
The Heart Chakra The twelve-petaled heart chakra is the most important chakra. From the heart chakra, the energy of life that descends to youfrom your I AM Presence over the crystal cord and through the blessed mediator, your beloved Christ Self, is distributed to the...
Keep Your Harmony to Increase Light in Your Chakras As you keep harmony in thought, word and action, you can sustain the light in your chakras and your body. As you give love in thought, word and action you also sustain light in your chakras and your body. This takes...
The Fiery Coil of Life By your application to clearing and balancing your chakras, there is built in your aura a fiery coil of life. As you look down at your feet, the coil proceeds from what would be the twelve o’clock line, positioned just in front of your feet. The...
Your Crown Chakra The crown chakra is where you are intended to experience the mind of God. Through the gift of intelligence you exercise the illumination of the Mind of Christ and attain the enlightenment of the Buddha. . . The goal of self-mastery is the flowering...