Keep Your Harmony to Increase Light in Your Chakras As you keep harmony in thought, word and action, you can sustain the light in your chakras and your body. As you give love in thought, word and action you also sustain light in your chakras and your body. This takes...
The action required to clear your chakras is achieved through the mighty flame of Purity. Purity is the fourth Ray of God. The color of this ray is a dazzling white light, best focused in the diamond. By the flow of purity, your soul can bring forth that which...
Your Crown Chakra The crown chakra is where you are intended to experience the mind of God. Through the gift of intelligence you exercise the illumination of the Mind of Christ and attain the enlightenment of the Buddha. . . The goal of self-mastery is the flowering...
Base-of-the-Spine Chakra The four-petaled base chakra is the center of the sacred fire of purity in everyone. Through the gift of this life-force you can become co-creators with the Trinity. You purify your soul and chakras for reunion with the Eternal Light. In other...
Third Eye Chakra, The Fifth Ray The third eye chakra is on the fifth ray. The Fifth Ray is the ray of God’s Divine Wholeness. The All-Seeing Eye of God is how to precipitate your Divine wholeness from Spirit into the physical plane. This precipitation occurs through...