The Fiery Coil of Life

By your application to clearing and balancing your chakras, there is built in your aura a fiery coil of life.

As you look down at your feet, the coil proceeds from what would be the twelve o’clock line, positioned just in front of your feet. The coil is an electrode winding in a clockwise direction, approximately ten inches in diameter, the coils spaced three inches apart.

From beneath your feet to the top of your head, this coil is a pulsating white fire.

Devotee Standing in the Ovoid

Devotee in White Ovoid

Visualize your aura as an ovoid of white light extending beneath your feet, beneath the coil, above your head, and above the coil. See your aura increasing in intensity as the sacred mist is expanded from your heart chakra and then from all chakras. The sacred fire will seal the pure energies flowing through purified chakras.

Caduceus Action through Purified and Balanced Chakras

Caduceus Action of Purified Chakras

The figure-eight pattern is a caduceus flow of purified energy that crosses in your heart and reaches its culmination in your crown chakra. By these seven centers you can experience God. Each of these centers is a temple. When you attune with these inner centers you engage in walking a path back to God.

When you balance your energies you increase the light within. When you consciously work on the spiritual part of your life, you can attract everything you want. You begin to know and to recognize your perfect plan, the divine plan for your life.

Your Body of Light, the Etheric Body

Kirilian photography catches a blueprint, an energy forcefield of life. You can visualize your body of light, your etheric body or electromagnetic forcefield with similar intensity and clarity.

Leaf Aura

 Light of a leaf

A leaf will have this beauty in its life force because it is one with its divine purpose, it has no awareness apart from its reason for being.

However, most of us have lost the sense of our oneness with life. We have forgotten divine purpose and so our forcefield becomes distorted and out of balance. Chakras have become out of balance and require balancing again. The best way for balancing chakras is using the violet flame.

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