St. Germain said:
“The threefold flame is the presence of God anchored in your heart. It is the presence of God with you. The flame that burns within your heart is the seat of cosmic consciousness.

The test all of us must pass is: how you choose to qualify the energy of God as it is sent to you moment by moment. Your human self wars continually with your divine self. This is described as “the warring in the members”.

Key to Winning Your Ascension

There is one quality which, if you manifest enough of it, you can win your ascension. That quality is love. Love for others, love for your family, your friends and the world. How you express love is demonstrated through your work, your interactions with others and the choices you make every day.

How well do you serve the people you come in contact with daily? Are you kind, forgiving, understanding and gracious? Or do you demonstrate qualities frequently seen on TV and movies of sarcasm, being judgmental and critical. How would you like to be treated?

You need to balance your threefold flame. All three plumes must be balanced for you to find self mastery and God-Mastery.

Secret Chamber

Secret Chamber of the Heart

“Your Heart is indeed one of the choicest Gifts of God.

Within it there is a central chamber surrounded by a force field of such light and protection that we call it a ‘cosmic interval.’  It is a chamber separated from Matter and no probing could ever discover it. It occupies simultaneously not only the third and fourth dimensions but also other dimensions unknown to man.

“This central chamber, called the altar of the heart, is thus the connecting point of the mighty silver cord of light that descends from your God Presence to sustain the beating of your physical heart, giving you life, purpose, and cosmic integration.

“I urge all men to treasure this point of contact that they have with Life by giving conscious recognition to it. You do not need to understand by sophisticated language or scientific postulation the how, why, and wherefore of this activity.

“Be content to know that God is there and that within you there is a point of contact with the Divine, a spark of fire from the Creator’s own heart called the threefold flame of life. There it burns as the triune essence of Love, Wisdom, and Power.

Acknowledge Your Heart Chakra Daily

“Each acknowledgment paid daily to the flame within your heart will amplify the power and illumination of Love within your being. Each such attention will produce a new sense of dimension for you, if not outwardly apparent then subconsciously manifest within the folds of your inner thoughts.

“Neglect not, then, your heart as the altar of God. Neglect it not as the sun of your manifest being. Draw from God the power of Love and amplify it within your heart. Then send it out into the world at large as the bulwark of that which shall overcome the darkness of the planet, saying this decree

Violet Flame Prayer/Decree for Your Threefold Flame in the Heart Chakra

I AM the Light of the Heart
Shining in the darkness of being
And changing all into the golden treasury
Of the Mind of Christ.

I AM projecting my Love
Out into the world
To erase all errors
And to break down all barriers.

I AM the power of infinite Love,
Amplifying itself
Until it is victorious,
World without end!

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