To the Spiritual Warrior:
Are you searching for your purpose in life?
Do you feel there is more to life than the culture around us?
I looked for many years, without ever realizing I am a seeker after a higher way. Have you felt this?
Then just maybe, you too, are a spiritual warrior – one who seeks to serve God and people – to try to save the world…
I have been a part of the Community of the Holy Spirit, the people charged “to come apart and be a separate and chosen people” for more than 40 years, more than half my life – a long time…
I have been studying and using these teachings as they have been put down for us by the Messengers, Mark L. and Elizabeth Clare Prophet.
These teachings are central to who I am and my purpose for being.
So, welcome to this site about the 7 chakras and their true colors as given to us by the Ascended Masters.
The seven chakras are the spiritual energy behind the physical body. Because they represent spiritual energy, the colors of the chakras are of spiritual colors when purified of the human overlay of energy.
Let’s begin this adventure of exploring the 7 chakras.
PS: when you sign up for the download, you will be notified when the webinar course on the seven chakras is ready. Are you interested?