It is necessary to clear the many levels of your being. Specifically you must clear the issues of your psychology. Clean your house! Balance your chakras and give this ritual day after day…
If you don’t address issues of your psychology, the sacred fire rising in you will give a certain permanence to the knotty problems you desire to cast into the violet flame. Those knotty problems you want to be done with forever.
The Ritual to Balance Chakras
- Consciously direct a ray of violet flame to each of your chakras, from the base of the spine to the crown.
- Give violet flame decrees as you visualize violet flame in, through and around your chakras.
- The large violet flame poster that illustrates the chakras superimposed on Michelangelo’s statue of David provides a strong visualization for clearing your chakras and raising the Kundalini.
- Visualize yourself systematically transmuting records of the ancient and near past until you have a fully cleansed body temple that the Lord Christ might occupy.
- See yourself encircled in pulsating ovoids of violet flame, as shown on the poster.
For what you see and internalize you shall become.
Your Goal: The Holy Christ Self Occupies Your Bodies
Your goal is to have the Lord Christ of you, your Holy Christ Self, occupy your four lower bodies.
If those bodies are full of debris that has been stored in the attic of the brain for centuries, there is no room whatsoever for the Christ to enter in.
Clean house! But in the very same hour, fill your house with light.
Sweep it clean, fill it with light and repeat this ritual day after day.
Clean out your mental body and all the records of episodes impressed upon it for thousands of years.
When you self-empty, then call to God to fill you.
Give the prayer
“Come, occupy! occupy! occupy! my beloved Christ Self,”
day by day by day and you will have that clearing.
And you may live to rejoice in the complete clearing of all past records.
You may live to accomplish the balancing of 100 percent of your karma so you may fill your vessels with light! light! light!
Qualify light with whatever is the need of the hour in vibration, in speech, in energy, in consciousness.
You are the Temple of God
Understand your physical body is the temple of the living God. Therefore, be solicitous of your body temple in every way. (Love your body temple).
Every cell is a chalice. Every atom and all energy in motion holds the balance of Alpha and Omega.
Chakra Balancing Affirmation:
(Say this out loud)
“Come, occupy! occupy! occupy! my beloved Christ Self! From the white fire core of my innermost being centered in the base-of-the-spine chakra, I call to my I AM Presence to raise the sacred fire to my crown chakra and the third eye and let light! light! light! intensify!
Let my aura be magnified!
Let rings upon rings of my Causal Body surround me here below by the intensity of light drawn from my Causal Body through my decrees.”
El Morya. Pearls of Wisdom, Vol. 38, No. 26.